Membership of ZenSana can involve the intentional use of psilocybin Sacrament as part of your own religious and spiritual journey. Sacrament may allow individuals to access sources of knowledge and wisdom that may be otherwise inaccessible. Individuals may gain insight into their spiritual journey, their faith, and their life’s purpose through the use of Sacrament, if administered and used correctly. Before using any Sacrament though, is is critical that all safety and dosage information is thoroughly read, understood, and any questions that you may have, be answered completely. Do not consume psilocybin without adherence to the following safety guidelines.

Product Safety
Psilocybin works by activating serotonin receptors, most often in the prefrontal cortex. This part of the brain affects mood, cognition, and perception. Hallucinogens also work in other regions of the brain that regulate arousal and panic responses.
Psilocybin does not always cause active visual or auditory hallucinations. Instead, it distorts how some people who use the drug perceive objects and people already in their environment.
The quantity of the drug a person consumes, their past experiences, and their expectations of how the experience will take shape can all impact the effects of psilocybin.
In some individuals, changes in sensory perception and thought patterns can last for several days. For most people, effects typically last between 4-6 hours.

Potential Side Effects
The effects of psilocybin may include altered perception of time and space and intense changes in mood and feeling.
Other possible effects of psilocybin include:
Spiritual awakening
Derealization, or the feeling that surroundings are not real
Depersonalization, or a dream-like sense of being disengaged from surroundings
Distorted thinking
Visual alteration and distortion, such as seeing halos of light and vivid colors
Dilated pupils
Drowsiness and yawning
Impaired concentration
Lack of coordination
Unusual body sensations
Frightening hallucinations
The typical urine drug screening for employment does not test for psilocybin, but there are specific tests that can be ordered to test for it.
Like many other compounds, mushrooms can be found in hair follicles for up to 90 days.

Dried mushrooms are the most common way to consume mushrooms.
Although there are common dosage frameworks across psilocybin mushroom species, and potency varies, there are additional factors at play. The freshness of the fungi, your current set or mental state, and your body’s preparedness for the fungi all factor into your magic mushroom dosing considerations.
Dosing ranges from microdosing, a sub-perceptive dose, to macro-dosing, in which people can completely disconnect from reality.
We have included a full chart below showing the different dosages of psilocybin and their physical and mental effects.

Some people who take psilocybin may experience persistent, distressing alterations to how they see the world. These may take the form of a visual flashback, a traumatic recall of an intensely upsetting experience.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, people can continue to experience flashbacks anywhere from weeks to years after using the hallucinogen. This is a condition called hallucinogen-persisting perception disorder and is rare.
Some individuals who use psilocybin may also experience fear, agitation, confusion, delirium, psychosis, and syndromes that resemble schizophrenia.
Finally, though the risk is small, some psilocybin users risk accidental poisoning from eating a poisonous mushroom by mistake. Symptoms of mushroom poisoning may include muscle spasms, confusion, and delirium. A person should visit an emergency room immediately if these symptoms occur.
Because hallucinogenic and other poisonous mushrooms are common in most living environments, people should regularly remove all mushrooms from areas where children are routinely present to prevent accidental consumption.
Accidental mushroom ingestion results in minor gastrointestinal illness, with only the most severe instances requiring medical attention.

The potency of a magic mushroom depends on:
Growing conditions
Harvest period
Whether a person eats them fresh or dried
Researchers have found that the amount of psilocybin in dried mushrooms is about 10 times higher than that of their fresh counterparts.
Psilocybin is absorbed from the gastro-intestinal tract after eating or drinking the mushrooms - hallucinogenic effects usually occur within 30 minutes of ingestion with a duration of effect of 4–6 hours for most people.

Tolerance and Dependence
Like most compounds, the more you use mushrooms, the more tolerance you develop. Tolerance also develops with regular use, meaning that with regular use, a person will need more to achieve the same effect.
Developing a tolerance can be especially risky with mushrooms because consuming a large amount can result in overdose symptoms
which, while not fatal, can include:
Muscle weakness
Panic or paranoia
The short-term effects of magic mushrooms typically wear off in 6 to 12 hours, but people can experience long-term changes in personality and flashbacks long after taking the compound.
The average half-life of psilocybin ranges from 1-2 hours and it generally takes 5-6 hours for a substance to be eliminated from your system.
Psilocybin is not generally considered addictive nor does it tend to lead to compulsive use. Plus, people can build a tolerance to psilocybin fairly quickly, making it hard to have any effect after several days of repeated use.
While people rarely report physical symptoms of withdrawal when they stop using the drug, some experience psychological effects, which may include depression.

MICRODose: 0.1 - 0.5 Grams
A microdose of magic mushrooms is a small dose that won’t result in a hallucinogenic experience, also known as a sub-perceptible dose.Most people who microdose psilocybin do so to reduce the symptoms of mood disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and stress. Or, to optimize their performance with increased focus and creativity.A microdose of mushrooms is only 0.1 - 0.5 grams. For most people, it is typically 0.1 - 0.2 grams. Your tolerance is impacted by your protocol and your experience with macrodoses, among other factors.
Low Dose: 0.5 - 2 Grams
0.5 to 2 grams of mushrooms is considered a low dose.
Unlike microdosing, this dosage should offer some mild effects, likely a euphoric state and sensory experiences. Depending on the strain, you can expect to feel the effects for anywhere from 2 - 8 hours, so plan accordingly. You can expect to feel light, euphoric, and may see visuals. This is often beautiful when in nature, and comes through bright, vivid colors, and smiling trees. Your judgment may be impaired, so it’s not recommended to take a low dose of magic mushrooms if you’re planning on driving, going to work, taking care of children, or hosting a board meeting.
Medium Dose: 2 - 3 Grams
A medium dose of magic mushrooms is 2 to 3 grams of dried mushrooms. This dosage may offer all the effects of a low dose with some hallucinogenic symptoms. You may feel euphoric and sensory experiences — just more intensely. You may see brighter colors, more movement, and some visible alterations that aren’t really there. You can expect to have interesting, new thoughts enter your mind.
High Dose: 3 - 5 Grams
3 to 5 grams of mushrooms is considered a high dose of magic mushrooms. If you’re taking magic mushrooms for a mind-altering experience, you may want to take this dosage. You will likely experience hallucinations and sensory distortions (objects may appear larger than they actually are, objects will change, the room may darken or lighten, or visual details may become distorted).
You may also experience cross-sensory experiences, such as seeing sounds or smelling colors, an experience known as synesthesia.
Heroic Dose: 5+ Grams
A very high dose of psilocybin is called a “heroic” dose or a “committed” dose. Ethnobotanist Terance McKenna (a supporter of psychedelic research) coined both of these terms. Five grams of psilocybin (or more) will produce the most dramatic effects.
People who take five grams or more of magic mushrooms may experience full ego death and loss of reality. If you’re planning on taking this high of a magic mushroom dose, you’ll most certainly want to be supervised (by a trip sitter, guide, therapist, doctor, or a trusted friend with psychedelic experience). You’ll want to be in a safe, calm, and quiet place—a heroic dose of mushrooms is not a social experience.
In an effort to further support the health and safety of our Temple Members, Rising Phoenix connects Members with the Fireside Project, a psychedelic peer support line. Fireside Project provides support over the phone or by text to active trippers, trip sitters, and for those that need post-trip support. The service is FREE and we're excited to support this really important public safety program and initiative!